Share Your Breeze Block Pictures

Soon after moving to Palm Springs, I began to notice breeze-blocks all over the place: businesses, homes, parks, you name it. The many different brick designs captured my imagination with their elegant geometry.

Lately I've been hearing from friends and customers who are also noticing the breeze-blocks in their towns or on their travels. If you'd like to share your breeze-block sightings, I'll post them here for everyone to see.  

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Here are a few:

Breeze-block patterned scarf for eBay, Thanks Sal!Pattern scarf

Sonoma post office breeze-blocks from JeromeSonoma post office breeze-blocks

Unknown location. Nice ones Ron, thanks!Breeze-blocks, circles

Marylin Monroe with breeze-blocks. Thanks RonMarylin Monrose with breeze-blocks

From Pete in AtlantaRestaurant breeze-blocks, Atlanta

Mexico, Thanks Melisse!

Some of my Favorites from around Palm Springs:

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